园区网络基础集群/堆叠通用部署 案例步骤详解
核心层 支持集群功能的框式交换机 S12700E-8
汇聚层 支持堆叠功能的盒式交换机 S6730-H-V2
接入层 S5735-L-V2 V600R022C10
3配置交换机上下行Eth-Trunk 涉及核心层交换机、汇聚层交换机、接入层交换机
集群方式 业务口集群
交换机台数 2台
每台交换机硬件配置 主控板:2块MPUE 业务板型号:2块LST7X24BX6EO,出于可靠性考虑建议配置2块单板,配置1块单板也可以组建集群集群线览:4根3m SFP+ AOC光线缆
集群主 集群ID为1的框为集群主
集群优先级 集群ID为1的框,集群优先级为150 集群ID为2的框,集群优先级使用缺省值1
多主检测 两台集群交换机之间使用单独的线缆,通过直连方式进行多主检测。线缆连接的接口为XGE1/1/0/10和XGE2/1/0/10.
堆叠方式 业务口堆叠
交换机台数 2台
每台交换机硬件配置 堆叠口:10GE业务口10GE 1/0/2和10GE 1/0/4连线方式:环形连线 堆叠线缆:2根3m SFP+ AOC光线缴
堆叠主 两台交换机的堆叠ID分别修改为1和2,堆叠ID为1的交换机为堆叠主
堆叠优先级 堆叠ID为1的交换机,堆叠优先级为150堆髻ID为2的交换机,堆叠优先级为100
双主检测 两台堆叠交换机之间使用单独的线统,通过直连方式进行双主检测。线缆连接的接口为10GE1/0/10和10GE 2/0/10.
与AGG1相连的接口使用Eth-Trunk 10,物理成员口为XGE 1/1/0/1和XGE 2/1/o/2与AGG2相连的接口使用Eth-Trunk 20,物理成员口为XGE 1/1/0/2和XGE2/1/0/1
Eth-Trunk 10,物理成员口为10GE 1/0/1和10GE 2/0/1
Eth-Trunk 20,物理成员口为10GE 1/0/1和10GE 2/0/1
Eth-Trunk 30,物理成员口为10GE 1/0/3和10GE 2/o/3
Eth-Trunk 40,物理成员口为10GE 1/0/3和10GE 2/0/3
Eth-Trunk 30,物理成员口为10GE 1/0/1和10GE 1/o/2
Eth-Trunk 40,物理成员口为10GE 1/0/1和10GE 1/0/2
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Switch1
[Switch1] set css id 1
[Switch1] set css priority 150 //框1的集群优先级配置为150
[Switch1] interface css-port 1
[Switch1-css-port1] port interface xgigabitethernet 4/0/1 to xgigabitethernet 4/0/2 enable
[Switch1-css-port1] quit
[Switch1] interface css-port 2
[Switch1-css-port2] port interface xgigabitethernet 5/0/1 to xgigabitethernet 5/0/2 enable
[Switch1-css-port2] quit
[Switch1] display css status saved //查看集群配置是否正确
CSS port media-type: SFP+
Current Id Saved Id CSS Enable CSS Mode Priority Master force
1 1 Off LPU 150 Off
[Switch1] css
[Switch1-css] css enable //集群配置确认正确后,使能集群,重启设备,为保证框ID成为主交换机,先重启Switch1
Warning: The CSS configuration will take effect only after the system is rebooted. The next CSS mode is CSS card. Reboot now? [Y/N]:y
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Switch2
[Switch2] set css id 2 //框2的集群优先级使用缺省值,不需要配置。
[Switch2] interface css-port 1
[Switch2-css-port1] port interface xgigabitethernet 4/0/1 to xgigabitethernet 4/0/2 enable
[Switch2-css-port1] quit
[Switch2] interface css-port 2
[Switch2-css-port2] port interface xgigabitethernet 5/0/1 to xgigabitethernet 5/0/2 enable
[Switch2-css-port2] quit
[Switch2] display css status saved //查看集群配置是否正确
CSS port media-type: SFP+
Current Id Saved Id CSS Enable CSS Mode Priority Master Force
1 2 Off LPU 1 Off
[Switch2] css
[Switch2-css] css enable //集群配置确认正确后,使能集群,重启设备
Warning: The CSS configuration will take effect only after the system is rebooted. The next CSS mode is CSS card. Reboot now? [Y/N]:y
根据集群优先级,优先级大的Switch1会成为集群系统的主框,执行命令display device查看设备状态时,集群系统名为Switch1。
<Switch1> display device
Chassis 1 (Master Switch)
S12700E-8's Device status:
Slot Sub Type Online Power Register Status Role
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 - LST7X24BX6E0 Present PowerOn Registered Normal NA
2 - LST7X24BX6E0 Present PowerOn Registered Normal NA
3 - - Present PowerOn Unregistered - NA
9 - LST7MPUE0000 Present PowerOn Registered Normal Master
10 - LST7MPUE0000 Present PowerOn Registered Normal Slave
PWR1 - - Present PowerOn Registered Normal NA
CMU1 - EH1D200CMU00 Present PowerOn Registered Normal Master
FAN1 - - Present PowerOn Registered Normal NA
FAN2 - - Present PowerOn Registered Normal NA
Chassis 2 (Standby Switch)
S12700E-8's Device status:
Slot Sub Type Online Power Register Status Role
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 - LST7X24BX6E0 Present PowerOn Registered Normal NA
2 - LST7X24BX6E0 Present PowerOn Registered Normal NA
3 - - Present PowerOn Unregistered - NA
9 - LST7MPUE0000 Present PowerOn Registered Normal Master
10 - LST7MPUE0000 Present PowerOn Registered Normal Slave
PWR1 - - Present PowerOn Registered Normal NA
CMU2 - EH1D200CMU00 Present - Unregistered - NA
FAN1 - - Present PowerOn Registered Normal NA
FAN2 - - Present PowerOn Registered Normal NA
<Switch1> display css status
CSS Enable switch On
Chassis Id CSS Enable CSS Status CSS Mode Priority Master Force
1 On Master LPU 150 Off
2 On Standby LPU 1 Off
<Switch1> display css channel all //查看集群链路拓扑是否与硬件连接一致
CSS link-down-delay: 500ms
Chassis 1 || Chassis 2
Num [CSS port] [LPU Port] || [LPU Port] [CSS port]
1 1/1 XGigabitEthernet1/4/0/1 XGigabitEthernet2/4/0/1 2/1
2 1/1 XGigabitEthernet1/4/0/2 XGigabitEthernet2/4/0/2 2/1
3 1/2 XGigabitEthernet1/5/0/1 XGigabitEthernet2/5/0/1 2/2
4 1/2 XGigabitEthernet1/5/0/2 XGigabitEthernet2/5/0/2 2/2
Chassis 2 || Chassis 1
Num [CSS port] [LPU Port] || [LPU Port] [CSS port]
1 2/1 XGigabitEthernet2/4/0/1 XGigabitEthernet1/4/0/1 1/1
2 2/1 XGigabitEthernet2/4/0/2 XGigabitEthernet1/4/0/2 1/1
3 2/2 XGigabitEthernet2/5/0/1 XGigabitEthernet1/5/0/1 1/2
4 2/2 XGigabitEthernet2/5/0/2 XGigabitEthernet1/5/0/2 1/2
<Switch1> system-view
[Switch1] sysname CORE //为便于记忆,修改集群系统的设备名
[CORE] interface xgigabitethernet 1/1/0/10
[CORE-XGigabitEthernet1/1/0/10] mad detect mode direct
Warning: This command will block the port, and no other configuration running on this port is recommended. Continue?[Y/N]:y [CORE-XGigabitEthernet1/1/0/10] quit
[CORE] interface xgigabitethernet 2/1/0/10
[CORE-XGigabitEthernet2/1/0/10] mad detect mode direct
Warning: This command will block the port, and no other configuration running on this port is recommended. Continue?[Y/N]:y [CORE-XGigabitEthernet2/1/0/10] return
<CORE> display mad verbose //查看多主检测配置
Current MAD domain: 0
Current MAD status: Detect
Mad direct detect interfaces configured:
Mad relay detect interfaces configured:
Excluded ports(configurable):
Excluded ports(can not be configured):
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Switch1
[Switch1] stack
[Switch1-satck] stack member 1 priority 150
[Switch1-satck] quit
[Switch1] interface stack-Port 1/1
[Switch1-Stack-Port1/1] port member-group interface 10GE 1/0/2 10GE 1/0/4
[Switch1-Stack-Port1/1] quit
<Switch1> save //堆叠相关的配置不需要保存,会自动写入flash。为防止其他配置丢失,这里建议执行save命令进行保存
The current configuration will be written to flash:/vrpcfg.zip.
Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]y
Now saving the current configuration to the slot 1.......
Save the configuration successfully.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Switch2
[Switch2] stack
[Switch2-satck] stack member 1 priority 100
[Switch2-satck] stack member 1 renumber 2
[Switch2-satck] quit
[Switch2] interface Stack-Port 1/1
[Switch2-Stack-Port1/1] port member-group interface 10GE 1/0/2 10GE 1/0/4
[Switch2-Stack-Port1/1] quit
<Switch2> save //堆叠相关的配置不需要保存,会自动写入flash。为防止其他配置丢失,这里建议执行save命令进行保存
The current configuration will be written to flash:/vrpcfg.zip.
Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]y
Now saving the current configuration to the slot 1.......
Save the configuration successfully.
c.交换机重启后,查看堆叠是否组建成功。<Switch1> display stack configuration //堆叠组建成功,switch1是堆叠主
Oper : Operation
Conf : Configuration
* : Offline configuration
# : Media mismatch or absence
Attribute Configuration:
MemberID Domain Priority DelayTime
Oper(Conf) Oper(Conf) Oper(Conf) Oper(Conf)
1(1) 10(10) 150(150) 0(0)
2(2) 10(10) 100(100) 0(0)
Stack-Port Configuration:
Stack-Port Member Ports
Stack-Port1/1 10GE1/1/0/2 10GE1/1/0/4
Stack-Port2/1 10GE2/1/0/2 10GE2/1/0/4
Stack-Global Configuration:
AuthMode Password
hmac-sha256 ******
<Switch1> system-view
[Switch1] sysname AGG1 //为便于记忆,修改堆叠系统的设备名
堆叠组建完成后,为防止堆叠故障分裂导致多主影响业务,在两台交换机直接连接一条线缆,用于双主检测。线缆对应的接口分别为10GE 1/0/10和 10GE 2/0/10 ,如图3所示。
[AGG1] interface 10ge 1/0/10
[AGG1-10GE1/0/10] dual-active detect mode direct
Warning: The interface will block common data packets, except BPDU packets. Continue? [Y/N]: y
[AGG1-10GE1/0/10] quit
[AGG1] interface 10ge 2/0/10
[AGG1-10GE2/0/10] dual-active detect mode direct
Warning: The interface will block common data packets, except BPDU packets. Continue? [Y/N]: y
[AGG1-10GE2/0/10] return
<AGG1> display dual-active //查看双主检测配置
Stack domainID: 10
Dual-active status: Normal
Dual-active detect mode: Direct
Dual-active direct detect interfaces configured:
10GE1/0/10 up (Physical) up (Protocol) 10 (PeerDomain)
10GE2/0/10 up (Physical) up (Protocol) 10 (PeerDomain)
Dual-active relay detect interfaces configured:
Excluded ports(configurable):
Excluded ports(can not be configured):
a.在集群上配置Eth-Trunk接口。<CORE> system-view
[CORE] interface eth-trunk 10 //创建与AGG1相连的Eth-Trunk接口
[CORE-Eth-Trunk10] mode lacp
[CORE-Eth-Trunk10] quit
[CORE] interface xgigabitethernet 1/1/0/1
[CORE-XGigabitEthernet1/1/0/1] eth-trunk 10
[CORE-XGigabitEthernet1/1/0/1] quit
[CORE] interface xgigabitethernet 2/1/0/2
[CORE-XGigabitEthernet2/1/0/2] eth-trunk 10
[CORE-XGigabitEthernet2/1/0/2] quit
[CORE] interface eth-trunk 20 //创建与AGG2相连的Eth-Trunk接口
[CORE-Eth-Trunk20] mode lacp
[CORE-Eth-Trunk20] quit
[CORE] interface xgigabitethernet 1/1/0/2
[CORE-XGigabitEthernet1/1/0/2] eth-trunk 20
[CORE-XGigabitEthernet1/1/0/2] quit
[CORE] interface xgigabitethernet 2/1/0/1
[CORE-XGigabitEthernet2/1/0/1] eth-trunk 20
[CORE-XGigabitEthernet2/1/0/1] quit
b.在堆叠AGG1上配置Eth-Trunk接口。<AGG1> system-view
[AGG1] interface eth-trunk 10 //创建与集群相连的Eth-Trunk接口
[AGG1-Eth-Trunk10] mode lacp-static
[AGG1-Eth-Trunk10] quit
[AGG1] interface 10ge 1/0/1
[AGG1-10GE1/0/1] eth-trunk 10
[AGG1-10GE1/0/1] quit
[AGG1] interface 10ge 2/0/1
[AGG1-10GE2/0/1] eth-trunk 10
[AGG1-10GE2/0/1] quit
[AGG1] interface eth-trunk 30 //创建与接入层交换机ACC1相连的Eth-Trunk接口
[AGG1-Eth-Trunk30] mode lacp-static
[AGG1-Eth-Trunk30] quit
[AGG1] interface 10ge 1/0/3
[AGG1-10GE1/0/3] eth-trunk 30
[AGG1-10GE1/0/3] quit
[AGG1] interface 10ge 2/0/3
[AGG1-10GE2/0/3] eth-trunk 30
[AGG1-10GE2/0/3] quit
c.在堆叠AGG2上配置Eth-Trunk接口。<AGG2> system-view
[AGG2] interface eth-trunk 20 //创建与集群相连的Eth-Trunk接口
[AGG2-Eth-Trunk20] mode lacp-static
[AGG2-Eth-Trunk20] quit
[AGG2] interface 10ge 1/0/1
[AGG2-10GE1/0/1] eth-trunk 20
[AGG2-10GE1/0/1] quit
[AGG2] interface 10ge 2/0/1
[AGG2-10GE2/0/1] eth-trunk 20
[AGG2-10GE2/0/1] quit
[AGG2] interface eth-trunk 40 //创建与接入层交换机ACC2相连的Eth-Trunk接口
[AGG2-Eth-Trunk40] mode lacp-static
[AGG2-Eth-Trunk40] quit
[AGG2] interface 10ge 1/0/3
[AGG2-10GE1/0/3] eth-trunk 40
[AGG2-10GE1/0/3] quit
[AGG2] interface 10ge 2/0/3
[AGG2-10GE2/0/3] eth-trunk 40
[AGG2-10GE2/0/3] quit
d.在接入层交换机ACC1上配置Eth-Trunk接口。<ACC1> system-view
[ACC1] interface eth-trunk 30 //创建与堆叠AGG1相连的Eth-Trunk接口
[ACC1-Eth-Trunk30] mode lacp-static
[ACC1-Eth-Trunk30] quit
[ACC1] interface 10ge 1/0/1
[ACC1-10GE1/0/1] eth-trunk 30
[ACC1-10GE1/0/1] quit
[ACC1] interface 10ge 1/0/2
[ACC1-10GE1/0/2] eth-trunk 30
[ACC1-10GE1/0/2] quit
e.在接入层交换机ACC2上配置Eth-Trunk接口。<ACC2> system-view
[ACC2] interface eth-trunk 40 //创建与堆叠AGG2相连的Eth-Trunk接口
[ACC2-Eth-Trunk40] mode lacp-static
[ACC2-Eth-Trunk40] quit
[ACC2] interface 10ge 1/0/1
[ACC2-10GE1/0/1] eth-trunk 40
[ACC2-10GE1/0/1] quit
[ACC2] interface 10ge 1/0/2
[ACC2-10GE1/0/2] eth-trunk 40
[ACC2-10GE1/0/2] quit
sysname CORE
interface Eth-Trunk10
mode lacp
interface Eth-Trunk20
mode lacp
interface XGigabitEthernet1/1/0/1
eth-trunk 10
interface XGigabitEthernet1/1/0/2
eth-trunk 20
interface XGigabitEthernet1/1/0/10
mad detect mode direct
interface XGigabitEthernet2/1/0/1
eth-trunk 20
interface XGigabitEthernet2/1/0/2
eth-trunk 10
interface XGigabitEthernet2/1/0/10
mad detect mode direct
sysname AGG1
interface Eth-Trunk10
mode lacp
interface Eth-Trunk30
mode lacp
interface 10GE 1/0/3
eth-trunk 30
interface 10GE 1/0/10
dual-active detect mode direct
interface 10GE 2/0/3
eth-trunk 30
interface 10GE 2/0/10
dual-active detect mode direct
interface 10GE 1/0/1
eth-trunk 10
interface 10GE 2/0/1
eth-trunk 10
sysname AGG2
interface Eth-Trunk20
mode lacp
interface Eth-Trunk40
mode lacp
interface 10GE 1/0/3
eth-trunk 40
interface 10GE 1/0/10
dual-active detect mode direct
interface 10GE 2/0/3
eth-trunk 40
interface 10GE 2/0/10
dual-active detect mode direct
interface 10GE 1/0/1
eth-trunk 20
interface 10GE 2/0/1
eth-trunk 20
sysname ACC1
interface Eth-Trunk30
mode lacp
interface 10GE1/0/1
eth-trunk 30
interface 10GE1/0/2
eth-trunk 30
sysname ACC2
interface Eth-Trunk40
mode lacp
interface 10GE1/0/1
eth-trunk 40
interface 10GE1/0/2
eth-trunk 40